
Women Livelihood Projects

Working towards poverty eradication in rural Kisii communities. We strengthen women's capacity to lead and manage their businesses, access quality and affordable farm inputs and market information and linkages. Also, training and capacity building to help women owned ventures scale/ grow. We organize exhibition events for women owned ventures, organize benchmarking trips to expose women to innovative agricultural practices, carryout demo projects on innovative agricultural practices at our demo farm. Partner with us, let's empower our rural women. Partners and sponsors will get free marketing publicity during our exhibitions

GBV Hotline

Reduce Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Programmes

We empower women to recognize their rights and get involved effectively in family decision making processes. We empower women to support and protect their families. We carry out advocacy and sensitization campaigns to help reduce violence against women and girls. In partnership with ISF and Fingo Powerbank project Nyamira North Women Sacco participated effectively in operationalization of Free Hotline 0800 22 266 to helppeople report SGBV cases

How and Where to send your support

We appreciate your support towards our activities. Send us a message below, and let us connect and share donation channels available to complete your donation

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